A vision for improving patient experience of diagnosis

OUTpatients has joined 57 other health and social care organisations in supporting National Voices’ Vision for improving patient experience of diagnosis.

The Vision sets forth nine key recommendations, which we believe, if acted upon, will significantly improve people’s experiences of not only diagnosis, but health and care more widely. 

These nine proposals fall under three core themes;

  1. What can be done in the short term;
  2. Offering wrap around support for newly diagnosed patients;
  3. What needs to happen in the longer term. 

To find out more, head to the National Voices’ webpage by clicking here.

A list of nine recommendations: ▪ Adjustments and adaptations to enable access ▪ Provide better support while waiting ▪ Listen to the patient ▪ Better communication around diagnosis ▪ Make sure people have a plan ▪ Provide access to support groups ▪ Collect better data to understand the drivers of diagnostic health inequalities, and act on it rapidly ▪ Upskill, coordinate and ultimately increase the workforce ▪ New innovations must have health equity embedded from the start