Group photo of the attendees of the event

The Big Cancer52 Conversation ‘24

On the 19th of June, OUTpatients had the pleasure of attending the third annual Big Cancer52 Conversation in Canary Wharf in London. 

The event was hosted by Cancer52, a charity which represents over 100 cancer charities and patient groups united by their vision of seeing a better future for everyone affected by rare and less common cancers.

Hosted at Level39 with the generous support of The Cancer Awareness Trust, more than fifty organisations from across the charity, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industry sectors came together to hear panel discussions on a wide and informative range of topics. 

OUTpatients and the ovarian cancer charity Ovacome worked together to host a stall on Health Inequalities as part of the Conversations’ new marketplace format. The marketplace tables served as physical placeholders throughout the day for topics that unite the interests of the diverse groups in the room. 

All attendees were also given the opportunity to contribute to Cancer Research UK’s video campaign for #OneCancerVoice. Evidence shows countries with long-term cancer strategies are more effective in improving cancer outcomes. This campaign brings together a wide range of voices from across the cancer charity sector to call on all political parties to commit to supporting a long-term cancer strategy to improve cancer outcomes in England. 

This year’s Conversation was also the last for outgoing CEO Jane Lyons. The day closed with a short thank you from her colleagues for her tireless work to improve outcomes for those with rare and less common cancers. Jane has been a galvanising and inspiring person to work alongside, and we wish her all the best as she moves on to new ventures. 

The Big Cancer52 Conversations are always an invigorating experience and opportunity for networking. We’re already looking forward to their next event (watch this space..!). 

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Are you an organisation interested in collaborating with OUTpatients? Please get in touch with our Engagement Lead, Raktim (he/him), here

Are you interested in volunteering with OUTpatients, either personally or in a professional capacity? Please get in touch with our London Volunteering Lead, Jawadat (she/her), here.