Partners & Carers Support Service
Support for Partners & Carers
Support for Partners & Carers
Partners & Carers support services for all LGBTIQ+ people affected by cancer.
Online peer support meetings for Partners and Carers
Cancer affects everyone around us, and we recognise that it’s not just patients who need our support. Our team at OUTpatients (formerly Live Through This) provides a space for partners and carers to unite and support one another. We call this ‘Partners and Carers Support’. These sessions are led by our peer facilitator Dom.
Dominc Vince, Peer Support
“I wanted to start Partners and Carers Support with OUTpatnents (formerly Live Through This) because I remember when I was caring for my sister, I had hardly anyone to talk to about the things that I was feeling when I was angry, tired or when something was going right and happy for me. It was hard to share it when my sister was so ill. For me, I would have loved to have a group of people where I could have gone to share that and all the other feelings that came up for me.
I think for me the most important element is that people feel supported through the group. It is a place for them to come and talk about what is affecting them, without feeling guilty or bad about discussing those things. It is a forum for them to talk about what is going on for them, their partner or loved one and talk about these things openly. However in a confidential space where they know that they can be honest without being hurtful.
A space to feel “normal” and to be just me. Not a carer or someone having to deal with sickness. Just someone who happens to be going through this, yet isn’t defined by it.”
Are you a patient?
If you're part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex or Queer spectrum, and you're a cancer patient, we’re here for you. Our passionate team can help you find appropriate resources and support where you may have previously struggled to do so. Visit our patient support page.